Prosthetic Lower Limb

Prosthetic Lower Limb Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter in Tanzania

Prosthetic Lower Limb Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter in Tanzania

Prosthetic Lower Limb, Prosthetic Lower Limb Manufacturers, Prosthetic Lower Limb Suppliers, Prosthetic Lower Limb Exporters,Prosthetic Lower Limb Manufacturers in Tanzania, Prosthetic Lower Limb Suppliers in Tanzania, Prosthetic Lower Limb Exporters in Tanzania, Prosthetic Lower Limb in Tanzania,

Lives Health Care is the leading Prosthetic lower limb manufacturer, supplier, exporter in Tanzania committed to providing top-quality prosthetic care to our patients. Our Prosthetic Lower Limb is designed with efficiency and precision to ensure our patients can efficiently lead an active and independent life.

The prosthetic lower limb comes equipped with a variety of impressive features to provide patients with utmost comfort and convenience. Our prosthetic limb also boasts a hydraulic swing phase control system, providing a smooth and fluid motion while walking, running, or climbing.



• Prosthetic lower limb has adjustable stance control features. This feature enables the patient to adjust the angle at which the prosthetic foot is placed on a flat surface, resulting in an optimal weight-bearing posture.

• Our prosthetic lower limb also comes with an adjustable knee flexion and extension feature that enables patients to sit upright on a chair or to climb a flight of stairs with ease.

• It has an advanced microprocessor-controlled knee and ankle system that mimics the natural movement of the human body.


• The prosthetic lower limb is used to aid amputees in restoring their mobility and regaining independence.

• It also provides support to individuals who have undergone amputation due to degenerative diseases or accidents.

• Our prosthetic limb improves the quality of life for these individuals by providing them the ability to perform daily activities with ease.

At Lives Health Care, our team comprises experienced and skilled professionals who can help you choose the right prosthetic lower limb based on your specific needs and requirements. Our goal is to ensure our patients receive the best possible care and achieve the highest possible level of function and comfort with their prosthetic limb.

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